Sunday, January 3, 2016

Befriending the 30s

Turning 30 was a milestone but it took a while to start realizing what the 30s would bring. As I close in 2 years into this decade,I'm finally ready to make this a brand new chapter - letting go of anything which makes me feel like I'm desperately holding on to my younger self. I'm going to be friends with this decade - and enjoy it for what it's truly here to offer - the freedom to experience everything I want to.

Gone are the 20s which were all about discovery - finding your true love, finding your first job and then looking out for a career,and then switching a career, finding how to deal with institutions like marriage n all the regressiveness that might accompany it at times, discovering parenthood,finding the meaning of friendship and family in a new way..Yes, its best described as a decade to DISCOVER ourselves in new exciting situations.20s are like the Tequila Shot which kickstarts the party..

30s is the decade to EXPERIENCE all the dreams - the ones we didn't have time or money for once upon a time, the ones we believed were just too far fetched or 'uncool', the ones we thought our friends/family would disapprove of or simply the ones we wouldn't allow ourselves to accept. I took the first leap of faith by turning full-time entrepreneur for 2 years - it was a gruesome ride but one that I chose for myself. Those were also the most empowering years of my life - where I broke free from the shackles of 'what who would think' to pursue one of my dreams. It probably didn't go exactly as I'd have liked but results aren't the only measure of the journey. The choice is all we have - to make it our own unique journey or to embrace an assembly line 'one size fits all' kinda journey. This is my decade to choose. To experience the new and the unbelievable.To seek a bit more.Not more things, more experiences.Its my decade to sip my Tennessee with a diet coke at my pace.

I'm going to count this year by 12 new experiences rather than the 12 months. I've decided to worry less about my promotion,my nestegg,my bank balance and more about the memories I create for myself this year. I've decided to be less of a mom, a daughter,a wife, a friend and be more of myself. I've decided to drop the baggage and embrace my curiosity of everything - however bizarre it may be. For this is the time to live.I'm not going to dream of a glamorous retirement - I'd rather plan a glamorous present.